Opening Local Data Files

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Accessing and Saving Data > Opening Data > Opening Local Data Files


Strata lets you open up data files directly from you desktop using the "Open" functionality.  You can browse for and open the following files directly:


Text-delimited Files, such as comma and tab separated files (CSV, TSV)
Fixed-length text files and EBCDIC files (TXT)
Microsoft FoxPro/XBase Files (DBF)
Microsoft Excel Files (XLS, XLSX)


In addition, you can use the Open functionality to import files from the following formats:


Microsoft Access Files (MBD, ACCDB)
Package Files (KPG)


Lastly, you can open up non-data formats, such as:


HTML Files (HTML and HTM)
Script Files (JS)


Please see below for further information on opening each of these formats.



Opening Text-Delimited Files (CSV, TSV, etc.)


Text-delimited files are text files where the individual fields are separated by a delimiter, such as a comma, a semi-colon or a tab.  For example, a comma-delimited file (CSV) may look like this in text form:







To open these types of files, select Open from the File menu, browse for your file, select it and click the Open button.




To search for only a specific type of file, use the drop-down menu from the file name to filter only on these file types.  Once selected, the file will open up into Strata as a table.


Most types of text-delimited files, whether they be delimited with commas (CSV), tabs (TSV), or other delimiters, such as semi-colons or pipes, should open up automatically as a table in Strata.  However, Strata may not recognize some types of delimiters.  If that is the case, use the Source View to select the appropriate delimiter.



Opening Fixed-length Text Files (TXT, EBCDIC, etc.)


Fixed-length text files have a set field width for every field.  For example, a fixed-length text file may look like this in its text form:


Field1  Field2  Field3

A       B       1

C       D       2

E       F       3


Another type of fixed-length file that comes from mainframe systems is encoded in EBCDIC.  Prior to using, this format needs to be converted to ASCII text using the Source View functionality.


Fixed-length text files are often available as simple text files (TXT).  To open this type of file, click Open from the File menu, browse for the file and click open.  Strata will open the file in the Source View.  Use the Source View functionality to define the widths of each field and then use the Design View to define the structure for each field.


For an additional option, please click here to learn how to import and transform a data set using a script.



Opening Microsoft FoxPro/XBase Files (DBF)


Another common text format is XBase (DBF), which was used with Microsoft's popular FoxPro database application.  To open up these files, select Open from the File menu, browse for the DBF file and click Open.  The file will open up as a table into Strata.



Opening Microsoft Excel Files (XLS, XLSX)


Strata enables you to work with Microsoft Excel files (XLS, XLSX).  Because these files can contain multiple worksheets, Strata lets you open only the individual tables you want to work with.  To open Microsoft Excel files, do the following:


1.  Select Open from the File menu, browse for the XLS or XLSX file, select it and click the Open button.


2.  A dialog will pop up and ask you which worksheets you wish to open.  Select the tables you want to use and click OK.


3.  Your table will open.  If you select multiple worksheets, they will each open in a separate tab.



Opening (Importing) Microsoft Access Files (MBD, ACCDB)


Strata enables you to work with Microsoft Access files (MDB, ACCDB).  Because these files contain multiple database tables, you must import the individual tables you want to work with prior to opening them.  To import Microsoft Access files, do the following:


1.  Select Open from the File menu, browse for the MDB or ACCDB file, select it and click the Open button.


2.  A dialog will pop up and ask you which tables you wish to import.  Select the tables you want to use and click OK.


3.  Your tables will appear in the project panel; double-click on the tables to open them.


For further information about using the Import dialog, see Importing Microsoft Access Files.



Opening (Importing) Package Files (KPG)


Package Files are a format you can use to share files in a Strata format.  The advantage of this file type is that you can save multiple tables along with their Strata-specific definitions, like Calculated Fields and Marks.  Because KPG files contain multiple database tables, you must import the individual tables you want to work with prior to opening them.  To import Package files, do the following:


1.  Select Open from the File menu, browse for the KPG file, select it and click the Open button.


2.  A dialog will pop up and ask you which tables you wish to import.  Select the tables you want to use and click Import.


3.  Your tables will appear in the project panel; double-click on the tables to open them.


For further information about using the Import dialog, see Importing Package Files.



Opening Other File Types (HTML, HTM, JS, PRN, etc.)


Strata will also open other file types that it can read, even though they may not be data tables.  For instance, if you have a web page (HTML, HTM) as a local file, you can open this up into the built-in web browser.  Also, if you have ECMA/Javascript (JS) files in text format, you may open these up in the script editor.