Sharing Projects

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Using Projects > Using the Project Manager > Sharing Projects


Sometimes it is useful to be able to either share a project or to actually work on the same data in a collaborative environment with a coworker.  Strata enables you to share data in a few different ways, depending on your requirements.



Save a Project


The simplest way to share data is to save a project and send it to a coworker.  You may either do this by backing up the entire project and or by exporting your data as a KPG file.


Using a Shared Network Drive


Strata enables you to share projects with others on a network drive in order to collaborate on the same data set.  The software is desktop-based so it does handles multiple users less robustly than how server software handles multi-user requirements.  However, it does provide basic multi-user functionality so that multiple people can access and edit the  same data.  To do this:


1.Create a project and make sure it is located on a shared network drive.
2.Once the project is created, all other users should add it to their list of projects.
3.Each user can then open the project and use the tables, reports, etc. to analyze and edit them as they wish.


NOTE:  When two people access the same table in the same project, the last change entered is the one that is accepted.  So, if User1 edits a cell in row 5 at the same time as User2 edits a cell in row 7, both changes will be made to the project.  If User1 edits a cell in row 5 and then, a minute later, User2 edits the same cell, User2's change will be accepted.  Similarly, if both users open a report and make edits at different times, the last person to save the report will the the one that appears in the project.  Please note that a User's screen will not automatically refresh after another person makes a change to that table.  To refresh a table, simply click on the refresh button on the toolbar (or File > Refresh).



Using an External Database


Strata also enables you to connect directly to an external database like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, etc.  In this case, the database server controls changes to the tables and the ability for multiple users to interact with the data set for multiple users interact with the data set.  Strata acts as an interface for viewing and browsing tables, filtering, sorting, etc.  If reports and queries are created, they reside in the user's individual project  However, the data tables would centrally reside on the server and be available for sharing.