Classes By Name - Kirix Documentation

Developer Resources

Classes By Name Overview

Here are the classes listed by name in alphabetical order.


Application A class that represents a script application.
Array A class for storing lists of objects or data.
BannerBox A class that represents a banner box control.
Bitmap A class that represents a bitmap.
BitmapButton A class that represents a bitmap button control.
Boolean A class that represents boolean-typed data.
BorderBox A class to draw a box on a form to group controls.
BorderBoxLayout A class that draws a box around controls that it positions and sizes automatically.
BoxLayout A class that allows controls to be positioned and sized automatically in a horizontal or vertical row.
Brush A class that encapsulates a brush object, which is used for drawing the background on a graphics object.
Button A class that represents a button control.
CheckBox A class that represents a check box control.
ChoiceBox A class that represents a choice box control.
Color A class that represents a color as a combination of red, green, and blue values.
ColorDialog A class that represents a color chooser dialog.
ComboBox A class that represents a combo box control.
Console A class that provides a mechanism to control what is displayed in the application's output console.
Control A class that represents a control that can be placed on a form.
Date A class that represents a date and time.
DbBulkInsert A class that provides the ability to insert many rows into database tables quickly.
DbColumn A class that provides information about a column.
DbConnection A class that manages a database connection to a local or remote database.
DbEncoding A class that provides an enumeration of database encoding types.
DbError A class that describes a database error condition
DbException An class whose objects are thrown when database errors occur
DbObjectInfo A class that provides information about a database object.
DbResult A class that manages results from a database query operation.
DbType A class that provides an enumeration of database field types.
DialogResult A class that represents a dialog result.
Directory A class that provides information about directories.
DirectoryDialog A class that represents a directory chooser dialog.
DriveInfo A class that provides information about drives/volumes
Environment A class that provides information about the computer and execution environment.
Error A class for storing error-related information.
EvalError A class that represents a eval error condition.
Event A class that represents an event.
Extension A class that provides information about and access to extensions.
File A class that exposes functions which allow access to files.
FileDialog A class that represents a file chooser dialog.
FileInfo A class that provides information about a file.
FileStream A class that provides functionality to access binary files.
FileTransfer A class for communicating via FTP and SFTP.
Font A class that represents a font.
Form A class that represents a form on which controls can be placed.
FormControl A class that represents a base form control component from which other controls derive.
Function A class that represents a function
Graphics A class that encapsulates drawing commands on a graphics object.
Hash A class that provides hashing routines.
HostApp A class that provides a mechanism of communicating with the script's host application.
HostDocument A class that exposes method calls to manipulate document windows.
HostPreferences A class that provides a mechanism to store application preferences.
HttpRequest A class for issuing HTTP requests and processing the results.
JSON A class for parsing JSON and serializing objects into JSON.
Label A class that represents a label control.
Layout A class that allows controls to be positioned and sized automatically.
Line A class to draw a line on a form to separate controls.
ListBox A class that represents a list box control.
ListView A class that represents a list view control.
ListViewItem A class that represents an item in a list view control.
Log A class that provides logging functionality.
Math A collection of math-related static functions.
MemoryBuffer A class that encapsulates read/write operations to the memory.
Menu A class that represents a menu.
MenuBar A class that represents a menu bar.
MenuItem A class that represents items on a menu.
NativeModule A class that provides the ability to load and access shared libraries such as DLLs, SOs, and DYLIBs.
Number A class that represents numeric-typed data.
Object A generic object class and container.
OpenFileDialog A class that represents a file open dialog.
PasswordEntryDialog A class that represents a password entry dialog.
Pen A class that encapsulates a pen object, which is used for drawing the foreground on a graphics object.
PictureBox A class to draw a bitmap on a form.
Point A class that represents a location as an (x,y) pair.
Process A class that provides access to a system process
ProcessOutputStream Provides access to the output of processes
ProgressBar A class that represents a progress bar control.
ProjectFileDialog A class that represents a project file dialog.
RadioButton A class that represents a radio button control.
RangeError A class that represents a range error condition.
ReferenceError A class that represents a reference error condition.
RegExp A class that represents a regular expression.
SaveFileDialog A class that represents a file save dialog.
Size A class that represents a size as a (width,height) pair.
Slider A class that represents a slider control.
SpinBox A class that represents a spin box control.
SpinButton A class that represents a spin button control.
StatusBar A class that represents a status bar.
StatusBarItem A class that represents an item on a statusbar.
String A class that represents string-typed data.
SymmetricCrypt A class that provides symmetric encryption routines.
SyntaxError A class that represents a syntax error condition.
System A class that provides system utility functions.
SystemColors A class that provides access to system colors.
SystemFonts A class that provides access to system fonts.
SystemMetrics A class that provides access to system metrics.
TextBox A class that represents a text box control.
TextEntryDialog A class that represents a text entry dialog.
TextReader A class that provides functionality to read text files.
TextWriter A class that provides functionality to write to text files.
Timer A class for firing events at a specified interval.
ToolBar A class that represents a toolbar.
ToolBarItem A class that represents an item on a toolbar.
TreeView A class that represents a tree view control.
TreeViewItem A class that represents items on a tree view control.
TypeError A class that represents a type error condition.
URIError A class that represents a uri error condition.
WebBrowser A class that represents a web browser control.
WebDOMAttr A class that represents a DOM attribute node.
WebDOMDocument A class that represents a DOM document.
WebDOMElement A class that represents a DOM element.
WebDOMHTMLAnchorElement A class that represents an HTML anchor element.
WebDOMHTMLButtonElement A class that represents an HTML button element.
WebDOMHTMLElement A class that represents a DOM html element.
WebDOMHTMLInputElement A class that represents an HTML input element.
WebDOMHTMLLinkElement A class that represents an HTML link element.
WebDOMHTMLOptionElement A class that represents an HTML option element.
WebDOMHTMLParamElement A class that represents an HTML param element.
WebDOMHTMLSelectElement A class that represents an HTML select element.
WebDOMHTMLTextAreaElement A class that represents an HTML text area element.
WebDOMNode A class that represents a DOM node.
WebDOMText A class that represents a DOM text node.
XmlNode A class that represents an XML data structure, allowing read/write access to XML files.