2011 January | Data and the Web

Data and the Web

Archive for January, 2011

Announcing Kirix Strata 4.4.2

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

Kirix Strata Logo - WorldWe're pleased to announce a minor upgrade to Kirix Strata today, version 4.2.2.

There are a ton of small tweaks and fixes under the hood, but here are a few of the noticeable highlights:


  • Find In Files: For developers out there, this is a really useful one. We've added the ability to search through the directories within a project for text files containing text patterns. Matching text files are then displayed in the console panel and can be opened by double-clicking on them. For example, if you had text files in a folder on your desktop, you can connect to the folder and then do a Find in Files (Edit > Find) to search for a specific text string.
  • KPG (Kirix Package File) Export: We've added the ability to export the directory structure to a package file (KPG), allowing projects, or portions of projects, to be exported and re-imported with the original hierarchy.
  • Memory Usage Optimizations: We've updated the index memory usage function so it performs well with current hardware capabilities.


  • Report Writer: We fixed various issues, including a sorting problem as well as an occurrence where multiple jobs were created when toggling between the design and layout view.
  • Linux: We've updated our Linux build and fixed various problems relating to the user interface in the Linux distribution.


  • Connectivity: Connections to MySQL now utilize ODBC rather than the libmysql client library. Connecting to MySQL requires installation of the MySQL ODBC library, available here.

Click here to download the latest and greatest. If you run into any issues or need help with anything, please just let us know.


Data and the Web is a blog by Kirix about accessing and working with data, wherever it is located. We have a particular fondness for data usability, ad hoc analysis, mashups, web APIs and, of course, playing around with our data browser.