Everything You Wanted to Know About Kirix Strata and More…
In addition to today's announcement about the Extensions section, we've also released an equally important new part of our website — the Kirix Strata™ Blog.
If you use Kirix Strata, we would recommend you subscribe to the Strata Blog feed (or get a subscription via email). This will be the place where we post examples, tips & tricks, case studies and interesting links. There are lots of things that Strata can do to make your data tasks more efficient or let you discover new things within your data; you just need to know how to use the tools in the toolkit.
If you have data questions or would like us to demonstrate a particular concept, please let us know and we may be able to create a Strata Blog post for you and let everyone join in on the education.
Also, while we're talking about feed subscriptions, the other feed that may interest you is our Extensions feed (again, this can be subscribed to via email). This feed will alert you whenever a new extension has been posted to the Extension Library so you can try out the various things that interest you most.
As with any new blogs, we are obviously starting with a humble first post, but we plan to expand rapidly from here. And, if you have any feedback on these two new sections, please let us know how we can best serve you. Enjoy!