A CSV File You Can Believe In | Data and the Web

Data and the Web

A CSV File You Can Believe In

Change.gov logoThis is not a blog that delves into political issues, but I happened to notice that the Obama transition team released the names of all their donors today. However, inexplicably, they don't have them in a CSV format for easy slicing and dicing in your favorite data analysis software.

A couple clicks in Kirix Strata™ took care of that pretty quickly. (*.csv, 120 KB)

Some interesting bits of information:

  • Google is the employer with the most total donations at $14,200 (from “Google” and “Google, Inc.”, 8 employees).
  • Microsoft employees only gave $500 (2 employees)
  • 74 different colleges and universities were represented for $25,900 (81 employees)
  • 4 people who defined themselves as “Not Employed” gave a total of $11,250.
  • There are 1,776 donors in the list. Mere coincidence… or more evidence that Obama is truly “that one” (alternatively, the list could have been hacked because he is “the one“)?

The data is a little bit dirty (particularly the “Employer” field), but you might have some fun poking around. Shoot us a message in the comments if you find anything interesting.

P.S. Also, I saw this article about data overload during the campaign… looks like the Federal Election Commission could have used the Kirix Strata government discount. ;)

Update: Also, looks like George Lucas jumped in and we see an employee of the notorious Dewey, Cheetham & Howe

One Response to “A CSV File You Can Believe In”

  1. Chick says:

    Just did a 5 second analysis of the list:
    -Median donation: $250
    -Average donation: $659

    And a lot of donations from small businesses (either with their name over the door of “Employer” or employer listed as “Self”).


Data and the Web is a blog by Kirix about accessing and working with data, wherever it is located. We have a particular fondness for data usability, ad hoc analysis, mashups, web APIs and, of course, playing around with our data browser.